2. Necessity. If u is continuous at the point (0,0), there exists a ball B:
sup (||xi||, I|x2ll) ^ r *n EI x E2 such that the relation (xi9 x2) e B implies
ll«(*i» *2)ll <1- Let now (xl9 ;x2) be arbitrary; suppose first =£ 0, x2 ¥> 0;
then if zt = rxj\\x^\\9 z2 = rx2/\\x2\\, we have HzJ = \\z2\\ = r, and there-
fore ||M(2Ti,z2)II <1- But w(Zi, z2) = rX^i^2)/lkill 'il^L and therefore
IW*i, *i)ll < a * ll*ill " II^2II with * = !/r2- If *i = 0 or *2 = 0, u(xl9 x2) = 0,
hence the preceding inequality still holds.

(5.5.2) Let u be a continuous linear mapping of a Banach space E into a
Banach space
F. If (xn) is a convergent (resp. absolutely convergent) series in
E, (w(xn)) is a convergent (resp. absolutely convergent) series in F, and

The convergence of the series (w(xn)) and the relation £ u(xn) = w(£ ;*;„)
n n
follow at once from the definition of a continuous linear mapping (see
(3.13.4)). From (5.5.1) it follows that there is a constant a>0 such that
II "CO II ^ a ' \\xn\\ r every n, hence the series (u(xn)) is absolutely convergent
by (5.3.1) if the series (xrt) is absolutely convergent.

(5.5.3) Let E, F, G be three Banach spaces, u a continuous bilinear mapping
0/E x F into G. If(xn) is an absolutely convergent series in E, (yn) an absolutely
convergent series in
F, then the family (u(xm,yn)) is absolutely summable and

Using the criterion (5.3.4), we have to prove that for any /?, the sums
\\u(xm 9 yn)\\ are bounded. But from (5.5.1), there is an a > 0 such that

, JV)II < all^mll ' \\yn\\, hence
w = 0 / \n = 0
which is bounded, due to the assumptions on (xn) and (yn). Moreover from
(5.3.6) and (5.5.2) it follows that, if s = £ xn , s' =

oo/oo \ oo
Z W(*m » ^n) = Z Z W(Xm , 3>n) I = Z W(X
m, n
m = 0\n=0 / m = 0